Breakfast · Healthy Recipes · Recipes

Honey Coconut Granola with Sliced Almonds

Hey, all!

This is Little Miracles’ 50 post! And in keeping with this year’s healthy resolution, this granola is perfectly apt to celebrate!

How was your weekend?

It barely felt like a weekend for me. It’s hard to relax when you’ve pushed yourself to an edge back to back through a busy week. I pretty much crashed every night to wake up exhausted the next morning. Finally got me some good sleep last night!

My week was long, exhausting and at the same time extremely short. Contradicting, I know, but it was the second wedding of the month and it was huge. About 8 events over the span of 5 days and since hubby and I were representing both the bride (my cousin) and groom’s (best friend’s brother) side, we were absolutely and thoroughly exhausted yesterday when it all came to an end!

I’d love nothing more then to spend a couple days by the beach, with very little phone service and the least amount of people required to detox. As much fun as weddings are, made even better with seeing friends everyday, you really need to get away and detox sometimes. Just so you can hear yourself think.
Continue reading “Honey Coconut Granola with Sliced Almonds”

Breakfast · Recipes · Savoury

Lazy Mini Cheeseburger Muffins

Hello everyone!

Welcome to (drumroll please) Little Miracles’ first ever Break Time!

What exactly is Break Time, you ask?

For the next ten days, the recipe of the day that goes up is going to be one that you can throw together when a craving suddenly hits or is perfect for planning light meals throughout the day.

I’ve got some delicious recipes in store just waiting to be made by you!

Beginning with these Lazy Mini Cheeseburger Muffins.

Don’t they look delish?

Continue reading “Lazy Mini Cheeseburger Muffins”

Breakfast · Recipes · Sweet

Cinnamon Swirl Pancakes


I know I’m a couple days late for the Mother’s Day post, but if you continue reading down below (below the fold for us journalists!), you will see I had it all typed out and just got to editing my photos a little late. I was travelling Sunday, which happened to be International Hummus Day, aka one of my top favorite days/dishes ever, and wasn’t able to post that either. Which is hilarious in a I-can’t-believe-this-but-so-expected-it way, as I have had the recipe and photos ready for a couple days. I mean I am so completely OCD about every little detail especially when it comes to cooking/baking and writing  that I don’t understand how I drop the ball some days. My tune this week is all about being laaa-aate. Thank God I’ve got travel to blame and not laziness!


These pancakes?


Not just for Mother’s Day, but everyday! It is perfect for I-Love-You Saturdays and Just-Because Sundays. It’s a super indulgent breakfast that’s great for any celebrations because the flavour is so widely loved. So fun to even prepare the batter with kids on a weekend morning.


I spent the last couple weeks at my parents but as my luck would have it, flew out today on Mother’s Day! Since every day should be a cause of celebration of the incredible woman who brought us into this world, raised and guided us, wiped away our tears and has the strongest shoulders to lean on, I made my momma these delicious pancakes a day before!

20180512_114838-2 Continue reading “Cinnamon Swirl Pancakes”

Breakfast · Recipes · Sweet

Fluffy Belgian Chocolate Waffles for One

There is nothing like sitting down to a plate of warm waffles on a weekend morning.

Breakfast is one meal I do not skimp out on. Waffles, pancakes, crepes, toast, cereal- all more or less contain carbs, are sweet and don’t exactly fit into the healthy criteria.

Unless, of course, we’re having a slice of whole grain bread, toasted with avocados or unsweetened natural peanut butter, paired with fresh fruit and yoghurt- which I also find delicious mind you! That’s a few steps closer to healthy.  Continue reading “Fluffy Belgian Chocolate Waffles for One”

Breakfast · Healthy Recipes · Sweet

Moist Sugar Free Banana Bread

At the start of the year, the time when many a resolution is made, I promised more healthy recipes making an appearance on the blog. Not only to make it easier for myself to stick to my resolution and maintain a healthier lifestyle, but to make delicious, healthy recipes that are as sinful as their unhealthy counterparts.

When you switch to a healthier way of eating, it doesn’t just have to be days on end of salads and soups and depriving yourself of all your favorite desserts. This Banana Bread is absolutely delicious and sugar free and proof that you can be healthy and eat desserts without much guilt!


Continue reading “Moist Sugar Free Banana Bread”

Breakfast · Recipes · Sweet

Easy Homemade Strawberry Jam

Hey guys!

I know I’ve been AWOL for the past two weeks and I am so sorry! But I’ve been busy trying and piling up recipes to share with you all. Lots of healthy, delicious dishes and sweet, indulgent treats just waiting to be made by you!

The weather has warmed up here in India- drastically. I’m not kidding! India does not do things by halves- one day it’s still pleasant enough for a cool breeze and the next it’s so incredibly hot, it’s like the walls are closing in.

This year, first time since I moved to India, I was home during peak strawberry season and let me tell you- I went crazy. My freezer is just bursting with bags of frozen strawberries and bottles of homemade strawberry jam.  Continue reading “Easy Homemade Strawberry Jam”

Breakfast · Recipes · Sweet

Super Easy Strawberry Oat Bars

Hey guys!

Hope you guys enjoyed the weekend!

This is absolutely my favorite time of year. The weather has cooled down (I talk about the weather a lot, don’t I? Maybe it’s got to do with my name..), it’s the season of joy and love and magic and best of all, strawberry season in India!

It’s pure bad luck that my schedule tends to be crazy these last few months and I always miss the opportunity to try the many strawberry recipes I save throughout the year. I can never keep track of when strawberries will pop up in stores in India, it’s actually pretty erratic. That, or I still have a bit to learn about things around here. A lifetime wouldn’t be enough to figure out the workings of this country! Continue reading “Super Easy Strawberry Oat Bars”